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EERO Canada Media Posts


Toetame inimesi, kes on pidanud jätma oma kodu Ukrainas ning leidnud sõja eest kaitset Eestis. Viime Ukraina pagulastele läbi MindSpring programmi, mis pakub sõja tõttu kannatanud inimestele vaimse tervise tuge ning toetab toimetulekut uues keskkonnas.


Kampaania raames loodame koguda annetusi MindSpringi programmi läbiviimist viiele grupile, see tähendab vaimse tervise toe pakkumist 50 inimesele. Selleks on meil vaja koguda 17 250 eurot ($25,575 CAD, $18,000 USD).  

Täna on annetajate abi eriti oluline, et saaksime ka edaspidi tagada kriitilise tähtsusega abi inimestele, kes seda väga vajavad. Palun annetage EERO Canada’le; Ameerika Ühendriikides elades Eesti Ameerika Fondi või Eesti Abistamiskomitee USAs kaudu. 


Jätkame rahapõhise abi andmist kriitiliste vajadustega piirkondades, sh evakueeritute transiitkeskustes, ent seoses USA rahastuse peatamisega oleme olnud sunnitud oma tegevuse mahtu vähendama. Kõige teravamalt mõjutab see sõja tõttu kannatanud inimesi, kes vajavad ja sõltuvad humanitaarabist igapäevases toimetulekus.

Kui annetused ületavad $25,575 CAD, siis seda raha kasutatakse rinde lähedal elavatele inimestele esmavajalikuks abiks – see tähendab Ukrainas ümberasunud haavatavas seisus inimestele.


Annetused jõuavad abivajajateni rahapõhise toetusena, võimaldades neil soetada toitu, ravimeid, hügieenitarvikuid ja muud esmavajalikku. 

Kampaania läbi loodame toetada Ukrainas rahapõhise abiga 300 haavatavas seisus inimest. Nendeni jõudmiseks on meil vaja koguda 82 800 eurot ($123,000CAD, $86,400USD).

Kristin Västra, Eesti Pagulasabi annetuste spetsialist


Ukraine Refugee
Ukraine Refugee

Give hope for life and liberty

Russia’s full-scale war in Ukraine has inflicted three years of suffering, destruction, and loss. The most vulnerable—single parents, large families, people with disabilities, and the elderly—bear the heaviest burden.

Now, more than ever, your support is crucial. The United States, once the world’s leading humanitarian donor, has cut 90% of its foreign assistance. On February 27, the U.S. unilaterally terminated 10,000 contracts and grants, including lifesaving programs that had previously received waivers.

Despite these cuts, the Estonian Refugee Council remains committed to assisting vulnerable individuals in conflict-affected areas of Ukraine. With support from donors such as the European Union, United Nations, the Estonian government, and public donations, we continue providing aid, including transit centers for evacuees. However, the drastic funding reductions have forced us to scale down operations, severely impacting displaced communities whose survival depends on humanitarian assistance.

To help bridge this gap, EERO Canada has partnered with the Estonian American Fund and the Estonian Relief Committee, USA to raise funds for the Estonian Refugee Council’s MindSpring therapy sessions. These sessions provide vital mental health support for Ukrainian refugees in Estonia suffering from the trauma of war. If our fundraising goal is met, additional funds will be used to support refugees near frontline areas with critical necessities.

The Estonian Refugee Council supports both the Ukrainian refugees in Estonia and those displaced within Ukraine.

According to a recent UNHCR report, 75% of refugees require psychosocial therapy to heal from the traumas of war. You can help support the mental health of Ukrainian refugees in Estonia by donating to the Estonian Refugee Council’s MindSpring programs. These programs offer crucial psychological support for individuals coping with trauma, stress, loss, and the challenges of adjusting to new communities in Estonia.

Our goal is to fund five MindSpring group sessions, benefiting 50 individuals at a cost of $25,575 CAD / $18,000 USD (€17,250 EUR).

To contribute, please donate through EERO Canada. If you are in the United States, donations can be made to the Estonian American Fund or the Estonian Relief Committee, USA.

Should donations exceed $25,575 CAD / $18,000 USD, any additional funds will be directed to support those in urgent need near the front lines. These donations will help provide essential supplies such as food, medicine, and hygiene products. Through this campaign, we aim to assist 300 individuals financially, enabling them to access these necessities. To achieve this, we need $123,000 CAD / $86,400 USD (€82,800 EUR).

Your support can bring hope to those enduring the hardships of war.

Kristin Västra, Eesti Pagulasabi Donation Specialist

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