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EERO Canada

Estonian Ecumenical Relief Organization
registration number 89233 8369 RR0001



  • E-transfer: 

EERO Ukrainian Refugee Fund to


EERO all other funds and donations to


  • Credit card or PayPal

Complete the form below, which is processed by Canada Helps, which also issue you a tax receipt and transfers donations to the EERO weekly. 

















  • Bank Transfers

Telephone 416.465.4659, Northern Birch Credit Union, please include your email address or telephone number in the description to receive a tax receipt.


  • Cheque: 


17 Tufton Cres., Toronto, ON,

M4A 2E2


  • United Way

Designate your donations to EERO Canada and add the registration number for the charity located at the top of this page. You will receive a tax receipt for these donations from United Way, who forwards a lump sum annually with a list of donors


For more info contact










Tax receipts are mailed in February for deposits made on or before December 31st.



Thank You For Your Contribution!

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